Venom, 2022

Writer and Artistic Director: Boyan Montero
Performers: Boris Bezemer, Tseroeja van den Bos, Clémence Lollia Hilaire, Sara Milio, Boyan Montero, Karin Iturralde Nurnberg
Thomaskerk – Amsterdam, NL
Photo credits: Diego Diez
Video footage: Patrick Anderson, Karin Iturralde Nurnberg, Sara Milio

In Boyan Montero’s research, Only The Sun Comes Up For Free, Boyan explores the concept of art as a gift, considering the dual meaning of the word ‘gift’ in German: on the one hand, a gift; on the other, poison. This exploration led to Montero’s growing fascination with art as a ‘necessary poison,’ inspired by the symbolic significance of the poisoned apple in the story of Snow White. Rather than marking her death, it became the final step in her journey of maturation.